Tag: community

ICAN Connect kicks off in Weipa

A new partnership for Cape York communities ICAN is excited to announce our new partnership with Weipa Community Care thanks to the generous funding provided by the Ecstra Foundation. Our collaboration will give remote Indigenous communities across Cape… Read more »

Tackling Financial Hardship Together

The Ergon Energy Retail and Powerlink sponsored ‘Empowering Community Services’ webinar series couldn’t have come at a better time according to ICAN/ICAN Learn CEO, Aaron Davis. “Financial counsellors and the broader community services sector… Read more »

Empowering Community Services

Ergon, Powerlink and ICAN Learn announce a new Diploma of Financial Counselling Scholarship Program, to support the development of new financial counsellors in regional Queensland. Financial counselling and community support services are expecting increased… Read more »

It’s Time to Reconnect

The current COVID-19 landscape has posed extreme new health threats to vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout Australia. Communities already struggling with limited access to services are now physically isolated, more than… Read more »

Watch our 2019 Annual Report video here!

2019 was another big year for ICAN and our subsidiary registered training organisation ICAN Learn, in moving towards achieving our vision of Empowering Indigenous Consumers and developing the financial counselling and capability sectors. The Annual Report… Read more »

Education shapes profession

A current review on the Diploma of Financial Counselling [code CHC51115] has posed a risk to the retention of core units that are part of the Financial Counselling profession. In this article, we provide… Read more »

Creating a Buzz in Mapoon

ICAN was excited to support the “Decarbonising Remote Communities” project recently, an initiative of the Queensland Government. ICAN’s role in the larger project was to deliver energy education to the remote community of Mapoon, located in… Read more »