Meet Carmilla Dennis, one of ICAN’s new Grow Officers!

Carmilla Dennis is a proud Torres Strait Island woman born and raised in Cairns. Carmilla recently joined ICAN as a “Grow Officer” – a professional development position designed to develop and foster future First Nations Financial Capability and Financial Counselling professionals. We are excited to yarn to Carmilla this month to find out how she’s getting on in her new role.

Welcome to The Yarn Carmilla!  Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I gained my qualification in health care while I was living in Victoria during COVID. I was employed as an AIN/Home Support Worker for a period of 7 years, both through agency work and as a sole trader. It suited my lifestyle as a busy mum of 3 at the time. That is until I came across the position for an ICAN Grow Officer in Cairns!

Not only did the position really interest me, but I was also received a scholarship as part of the role.  As an ICAN Grow Officer, I have been given the opportunity to choose my own career pathway of either financial capability or financial counselling. It has always been my dream to further my career in community services, so I will be completing the Certificate IV in Community Services (CHC42021) and  Financial Literacy Education (CHCSS00077) with ICAN Learn.

So what does a day in the life of a Grow Officer look like?

Each day is different.  Some days consist of shadowing the Yarnin’ Money Mentors and assisting in delivering the Yarnin’ Money and Energy programs to our mob in schools, TAFE, employment agencies, and various local Indigenous organisations. The exposure that I have received in all of these programs has been a fantastic experience.  Another amazing opportunity I have been given is to potentially go on to complete my Cert IV in Training and Assessment as I aspire to be one of our First Nations Trainers and Assessors.

How does it feel to be part of a dedicated First Nations team?

Being employed by ICAN in an identified position has given me a sense of reconnection to my mob that I feel was missing working in a large healthcare organisation. The support I have received in this culturally safe environment has been so welcoming and inclusive. I am excited to be a part of an organisation where we are celebrated and rewarded for our culture but, at the same time, all given equal opportunity and encouraged to “Grow” to our fullest potential. This role and helping mob in their time of need has given me an enormous sense of reconnection to my community.

Why are ICAN’s Grow Officer roles important?

I am proud to say that I am one of three of the first ICAN Grow Officers! ICAN has created this amazing opportunity that gives us, as First Nations people, the ability to enter a high-demand sector, such as community services and financial wellbeing. I feel we have a lack of First Nations people employed in this sector, so I am ecstatic to become a part of something that my mob can benefit from.

Why do we need more First Nations people in the sector?

We require more First Nations financial capability workers and financial counsellors to help First Nations people make informed financial decisions and build resilience. This can help break barriers and create intergenerational wealth. Growing up, I was not taught a lot about finances in both school and at home.

If you could share a life lesson with future generations, what would it be?

The biggest lesson I would share is to be wise with your finances. Don’t live beyond your means. Create realistic financial goals to secure yourself and your family for the future. I wish financial literacy was taught when I was in high school as I feel it would have assisted me in securing a better future financially for myself and my children.

Our Financial Capability Workers here at ICAN are fantastic and knowledgeable, which is why we are delivering the Yarnin’ Money and Yarnin’ Energy programs. Our team is so diverse, and we all have different money stories. Another lesson I have learnt is, don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for advice if you’re unsure about your financial situation. We all need a little help sometimes. So don’t be shame!

What’s something you’re proud of in your life?

I am so proud of being able to show my children how versatile I can be as a working mum. I love being able to show them I can move from industry to industry, study, work, further myself professionally, and still show up for them every single day. I am excited about the fact that once I finish my studies, I can educate them on Financial Literacy and assist them in making the best decisions financially to secure their futures.